
William Westmiller
Biographic Sketch

Westmiller Commentaries


1947: Born June 1st, St. Mary's Hospital     Minneapolis, Minnesota
 	Eldest of Five Children of Roger Morris Westmiller
	 and Marilyn Schleppegrell Westmiller Siblings:
	Mark, Joel, Jill, Mary
	    Residence: Ages 1-2: St. Paul; Ages 3-5: Cando, ND; 
	       Ages 6-18: Marshall Minnesota
1962: First of several leads in Central Catholic HS plays:
	    "Ten Little Indians"; "Man For All Seasons"; "My Fair Lady"
	     Lead Alter Boy, Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
1963: Chairman, Young Democrats         Lyon County, Minnesota
	Only active political club in Lyon County.
                	Converted group to 'Young Independents'.
	Authored Political Column "Out There" for HS newspaper.
1964: Lyndon Johnson Inauguration	Official Invitation
	Hubert Humphrey, Minnesota, Vice President invited
                	Young Democrat Chairs.
	 Junior Class President      "Willy? Sure He Will!"
1965: Graduation		Central Catholic High School
	Drama Award	Outstanding Contributions
	Citizenship Award	American Legion
		For organizing non-partisan "Young Independents" and lengthy
		interview with Gene McCarthy, published in local newspaper.
1965: Attended St. John's University     Collegeville, Minnesota
	Jesuit seminary and college: majored in physics,
		minor in calculus.
	Reporter, DJ, News Director on College Radio Station.
1966: Attended University of Minnesota   Minneapolis, Minnesota
	Major in Broadcasting (Journalism), minor in Sociology.
	Station Manager, College Radio Station.
	Director, Upper Midwest College Radio Network.
1966-67: Brown Institute of Broadcasting St. Paul, Minnesota
	Earned FCC 1st Class License.
	Technical Director, Production Assistant
            at Public TV Station         St. Paul, Minnesota
	Technical Director, Channel 5 Minneapolis, Minn.
	News Director: WMMR AM/FM          Golden Valley, Minn.
1969: Refused Military Induction	 Political Asylum in Canada
	Local draft board refused hearing on educational deferment.
	Attorney advised that Supreme Court appeals would not be successful.
	News Reporter, CKWS AM/FM/TV       Kingston, Ontario, Canada
	News Anchor, CKBB AM/FM/TV         Barrie, Ontario
1971: Co-Founder, Libertarian Party	 Toronto, Ontario
	Member of objectivist group that participated in founding of US party.
1973: Military Conscription Repealed
	Federal Judge ruled local board had failed to provide hearing,
		quashed arrest warrant and granted deferment.
	News Director KKZZ, AM/FM           Lancaster, California
	Southern California Vice-Chairman, Libertarian Party of California.
	Member, .999 IQ Society	Mensa IQ: 158
1974: National Secretary		  Libertarian Party
	Chaired National Convention, organized registration drives.
		Authored California Voter Pamphlet argument on bond issue.
1975: Chairman, Libertarian Party	  California
	Organized petition drive to place first Independent Presidential
		Candidate on California Ballot.
1978: Manager, Radio Shack Store	  Canoga Park
	Manager, Tandy Computer Center Glendale, California
1980: Married Robin Beth Cohen		  Los Angeles
	Data Processing Manager, Benefit Panel Services, Los Angeles
	Member, Electrochemical Society, Microprocessor Division
1982: Daughter, Tandy Elizabeth Born	  Canoga Park
1984: Daughter, Kimberly Ann Born	  Canoga Park
	Registered Republican
	Data Processing Manager, Service One Corporation, Calabasas
1986: Daughter, Michelle Ellen Born	  Canoga Park
1987: Republican National Committee	  Member
	Presidential, Congressional and Senate Campaign Committee supporter.
1992: Moved to Thousand Oaks, California
	Official Spokesman		  Prop 174, School Choice Initiative
		Addressed many groups in support of ballot proposition.
	Assisted and contributed to Tom McClintock campaign for Congress.
1994: Opened Paper Depot Store		  Thousand Oaks
	Specialty store: Desktop Publishing Papers and Accessories
1997: Announced Candidacy 		  24th Congressional District
	Republican Party Nomination vs. Brad Sherman, D-Inc.
1998: Republican Primary Election 	  24th Congressional District
	Received 18% of primary vote.
1998: Authored Constitutional Initiative  "Fair Vote 2K"
	Proposition to ban gerrymandering in California.
1999: Elected Chairman, California Republican Liberty Caucus
2000: Elected National Executive Alternate, Republican Liberty Caucus
	First Draft: Unimid Theory
2002: Elected National Secretary, RLC
2004: Elected National Chairman, RLC
2006: Re-Elected National Chairman, RLC
2009: Elected National Treasurer, RLC
2010: Elected National Director, RLC
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